Recent Updates
Interview with Barbara on Working with Michael J. Fox Foundation
Barbara Shares Her PD Story with the Michael J. Fox Foundation
Barbara is Interviewed on the ‘Together for Sharon’ Podcast
Watch Barbara’s interview here. Visit Together for Sharon’s website to find more conversations on Parkinson’s awareness.
Barbara Highlighted by Parkinson’s Europe
Parkinson’s Europe Podcast: How to manage “off” periods in Parkinson’s disease
Mime Over Mind – a Therapeutic Tool to Help Manage Parkinson’s
What an honour to have been invited to write this guest blog post for The Journal of Parkinson’s Disease -Barbara.
Read the entire post here.New University Course Teaches How Mime Can Manage Parkinson’s
Read the full article on Guelph Today.
(From top left to bottom right): Professor Lori Vallis, Barbara Salsberg Mathews, Professor Kimberly Francis, and Rebecca Barnstaple. Poster Displayed at 6th World Parkinson’s Congress
“It was an honour to have my poster up among some cutting edge works. I met so many interesting people too at the 6th World Parkinson’s Congress.” –Barbara
Mime Over Mind Research Gets Support from CESI & IICSI
Community Engaged Scholarship Institute, with funds and support from International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation, both associated with University of Guelph, supported a small phase 1 evaluation of Mime Over Mind workshops. The focus was on perceived impacts for participants, service providers and support givers.
Community Engaged Scholarship Institute —
Critical Studies in Improvisation —
Dancing With Parkinson’s Canada Workshop with Barbara
DWP is excited to welcome Barbara Salsberg Mathews back to the DWP community to lead a mime workshop called “Mime Over Mind”!