helping people with

Parkinson’s with mime

Mime can retrain the brain as a therapeutic tool for people with Parkinson’s. Mime is fun, easy to learn, customizable, requires no specialized equipment, and can be performed anywhere any time.

Why Mime?

Using mime as a therapeutic tool can help people with Parkinson’s override many of the annoying symptoms. Mime can provide practical tools that can immediately be put into practice. This can help people with Parkinson’s improve the day to day quality of their lives, and manage challenging symptoms more effectively.

Learn with Barbara the origins of her methodologies

Recent Updates

  • Treasured Memories: How to Create a Collaborative Family Art Project

    Barbara gives her tips for creating a family art project. Read the article at Parkinson’s Europe.

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  • Barbara Featured in Article “If Art Were a Drug: Implications for Parkinson’s Disease”

    Barbara participated as a visual artist for the article, ‘If Art Were a Drug: Implications for Parkinson’s Disease’ by Dr. Bas Bloem, Dr. Lorraine Kalia, among others.

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  • Interview with Barbara on working with Michael J. Fox Foundation

    Read the article at Guelph Today.

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