Meet Barbara

BARBARA SALSBERG MATHEWS has been creating art since she was a child. While in her teens, she wrote and illustrated two children’s books published by Annick Press. She studied mime in Paris, France, and had a touring mime company. Barbara graduated with honours from Ontario College of Art [OCADU], earned her M.Ed. from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education and taught visual and dramatic arts in high schools for over 25 years. Since retiring as Head of Visual Art from Toronto Board’s Northern Secondary School, Barbara now lives with her husband in Guelph where she does volunteer work and continues to make art. In 2020 Barbara was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. She’s now using mime as a therapeutic tool to help others living with Parkinson’s to manage the symptoms. You may learn more about Barbara and her work at – and –

Barbara’s Mission

I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in January 2020. It took me some time to accept this diagnosis. I finally made sense out of this by realizing that I am not my disease. I am a person with Parkinson’s and I aim to live life fully. While I still have the energy and motivation, I’m committed to spreading the word about using mime as a therapeutic tool to help people with Parkinson’s disease. I dont do this for fame or fortune, as I dont care about that. For me, its all about what I can leave behind, hopefully improving the quality of day-to-day lives for people like me, with Parkinsons.

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