Sample Class Activities

  • Explore use of gestures in daily communications, including small, medium and large movements.
  • Practice facial isolation exercises to override diminished facial expressivity.
  • Employ small finger and hand exercises to improve fine motor skills.
  • Review the Six Mime Principles to examine participants’ movement challenges.
  • Apply the Three Mime Concepts by creating and using everyday objects in mime as illusions (e.g. eating, getting dressed, carrying an object across the room, etc.).
  • Circus Games to help strengthen large motor skills, balance and flexibility, while also having fun.

Participants’ Reactions to Mime Over Mind 

“I found the Mime Workshop very thought provoking, in that the concept of miming can be broken down into steps, and so can movement deficits in Parkinson’s disease, i.e. mobility issues. When walking becomes a problem, using the mime technique of breaking down walking into parts can help PWP [people with Parkinson’s] relearn walking and aid when freezing happens…Great speaker! Kept us laughing while keeping us informed and involved. There are days when laughter is hard to come by. Thank you.

“The methods might be used as another tool as I continue to stave off or counteract the Parkinson’s symptoms.”

“Great presenter. Very engaging and loved her getting [the] audience involved.”